File storage solutions like Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, and Amazon FSx for Lustre are ideal for use cases like large content repositories, development environments, media stores, user home directories, and Amazon FSx for Lustre is ideal for high-performance computing and machine learning workloads. Depending on where your files are, do one of the following: In your local directory (the source), choose the files that you want to transfer, and drag and drop them into the Amazon S3 directory (the target). File Gateway gives customers on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage for this data as files are stored as durable objects in Amazon S3. With File Gateway, customers have on-demand, low-latency access to data stored in AWS for application workflows that can span the globe.
- Amazon File Transfer App
- Amazon Fire Transfer Photos To Sd Card
- Amazon File Transfer Cable
- Amazon Fire 7 File Transfer
- Amazon Fire File Transfer
For linux/Unix/Mac system, we can use a command-line tool 'scp' to transferfiles between your laptop and Amazon instance. Also we can use a GUI tool'FileZilla' to do the transfer, which is more user-friendly.
Using scp to transfer data¶
Even if your device has 3G capabilities, Amazon will only transfer files over Whispernet when Wi-Fi itself is on. If you don't have Wi-Fi turned on, you'll receive a reminder document onto your device telling you that your documents are queued and ready to be transferred and that the documents will be transferred once you turn on Wi-Fi.
'scp' means 'secure copy', which can copy files between computers on a network.You can use this tool in a Terminal on a Unix/Linux/Mac system.
To upload a file from your laptop to Amazon instance:
This command will upload a file - MS115.fa in your ~/Desktop/ folder ofyour laptop to folder ~/data/ on an Amazon instance. Note you still need touse the private key you used to connect to the Amazon instance with ssh. (Inthis example, it is the amazon.pem file in ~/Desktop/.
Note: You need to make sure that the user 'ubuntu' has the permission towrite in the target directory. In this example, if ~/data/ was created by user'ubuntu', it should be fine.
Similarly, to download a file from Amazon instance to your laptop:
This command will download a file /data/ecoli_ref-5m-trim.fastq.gz fromAmazon instance to your ~/Download folder in your laptop.
Note: You can use asterisk(*) to download multiple files, like *.fasta.gz.
Using FileZilla to transfer data¶
If you want a more user-friendly tool to transfer data, FileZilla is agood choice. It is free, it supports Windows/Linux/Mac systems, and it has agood user interface. It supports FTP, SFTP and other file transferprotocols.
Firstly, go to ‘‘ and click 'Download FileZillaClient' button to download it.
The interface of FileZilla is like this:
If you want to use FileZila to upload to or download data from a normalFTP server if you have the user and password, just put the information in the'Host', 'Username', 'Password' box and connect.However for Amazon instance, we use key-pair to log ininstead of password for better safety. So it is a little bit more complicatedto configure.
Open 'Settings' and click 'SFTP':
Click 'Add keyfile...':
Then select the '.pem' file you used to connect to Amazon instance with ssh.
There is a dialog box to ask you if you want to convert the '.pem' fileinto a supported format. Click 'Yes'.
Name it with extension as '.ppk' and save it.
You will see the a private key has been added.
Amazon File Transfer App
Close 'Settings' and go back to the main interface.
Amazon Fire Transfer Photos To Sd Card
Click button to open the site manager.
Click 'New Site'.
Amazon File Transfer Cable
Put the Amazon instance URL like ec2-54-166-128-20.compute-1.amazonaws.comin the 'Host' box. Set 'Protocol' as 'SFTP', 'Logon Type' as 'Normal','User' as 'ubuntu' and leave 'Password' as blank. Then click 'Connect'.
Amazon Fire 7 File Transfer
There will be a dialogue box to ask you about 'Unknown host key', just click'Ok'.
Amazon Fire File Transfer
All right. Now you have logged in the Amazon instance. You can drag and dropto transfer the files between the remote machine and your local laptop.